The Softest Most Fluffiest Super Moist Vanilla Cake In All The Land

Makes 1 layered 2 nine inch or 3 eight inch cake, a 9 × 13 inch cake or up to 26 cupcakes.


2 1/2 cups (312gms) minus 3 tablespoons all purpose flour*
3 tablespoons cornstarch/cornflour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 scant (less than full) teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (100gms) softened butter
1 1/2 cups (300gms) white sugar, preferably caster/super fine
1/4 cup (60mls) oil*
3 large eggs
4 teaspoons vanilla extract***
1/2 cup (125gms) sour cream, plain yoghurt can be substituted
1 cup (250mls) milk
Vanilla buttercream frosting (I used about 2/3 of this recipe because I like more cake than frosting but you can make the full amount too)

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